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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • I know in steam you can set the order of controllers (player 1, 2, 3, 4) but I can’t remember if you can set controllers to the same player.

    At any rate you can map both controllers to output keyboard commands and then have the game receive input from mouse and keyboard and then the game will think it is receiving input from only one device.

  • organice is front end that runs entirely in a mobile or desktop browser that allows you to access and edit org files easily with a touchscreen or mouse and keyboard. It obviously doesn’t have full org mode functionality, but it does a have a calendar view.


    All you have to do is navigate to https://organice.200ok.ch in your phone’s browser and then pin it to your start screen. The PWA is downloaded and you can now access a remote webdav server with the locally saved front end of organice. No data is sent to organice, the only function of the website is to give you an easy place to download the PWA to your device using a web browser.

    I love love love love org mode, it is just simple yet so powerful and there really is nothing else like it, I can’t really recommend anything else in good conscience here, especially since most other options (except for logseq https://logseq.com/ which I am not sure does everything you want?) are commercial and who knows what the hell will happen when the company goes out of business or is bought out by someone else?

    I recommend Spacemacs or Doom emacs as a nice starting point for emacs, or you can just start with basic emacs and build it yourself as org mode is included in the default distribution of emacs.

    An additional thing to think about, there is an android release of emacs coming up, so org mode might get much more accessible on the go in the future!

    No worries if you aren’t interested, I am just providing some additional context.



    This video is a great thorough but approachable explanation of why org mode is so special:


  • To be fair, war is actually a lot like gambling, most of the time it is boring sameness run through with a constant low level anxiety and then when something changes it happens abruptly with no warning. The difference is that when the unusual punctuates the boredom and you win in gambling you get money but when the jackpot sounds on the slot machine of war and something unexpected happens it usually means you are about to die.

  • dumpsterlid@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule shame
    4 months ago

    That insecurity is not inherent to straight men, but rather rampant among them

    How brave of you to make the point “Not All Men!”

    Why would we judge heterosexual masculinity by insecurity?

    I don’t know, maybe because I am a heterosexual man and I have met countless heterosexual men and one of the most common threads that makes heterosexual men stand out from other people is their deeply ingrained insecurity and propensity to project it with regimes of control and violence?

    And ok… to calm the all the men having temper tantrums I am not saying men are inherently…. well anything but is undeniable that the constructed male heterosexual identity is imbued with what I am describing. Our jobs as heterosexual men is to demolish that construction of violence that we were taught (which as you brought up, someone like Nick Offerman does effectively through characters), of course it isn’t inherent to “being a man” , unlike bigots I am not insulting the mental capacity of men by pretending like they don’t have a choice of how to behave, but rather pointing out that heteronormative masculinity is an extremely problematic construct that we must intentionally dismantle and rebuild in more healthy ways for everyone.

    Part of doing that is taking the piss out of heterosexual men drowning in insecurity that they impose on everyone else through sexism, driving massive pickups that are custom designed to kill children in a car accident, mass shootings (~99% of mass shooters in the US are, surprise!, heterosexual white men!) talking over other people constantly, pretending the ideas put forward by women are theirs, desiring to possess a partner as an object not a human being with a brain, confusing displays of the capacity for violence as a display of a confidence in their masculinity, taking up as much space as possible in public, demanding to settle disputes with other men through violence and using the threat of that those men will no longer be real men if they refuse….

    ….how much do I have to go on?

    By making fun of the worst aspects of heterosexual men like Donald Trump I am punching up at a thing that needs some punching I think. If this were punching down at a vulnerable group without power in the societies they inhabit ok that would be a different conversation than punching up at the category of people that controls almost every power structure and power dynamic in society wouldn’t it?

  • dumpsterlid@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule shame
    4 months ago

    I mean, that is basically one of the key points Thomas Pynchon makes in Gravity’s Rainbow but with V2 rockets instead of nuclear weapons and yes absolutely I think it is a great point!

    Do you not think the mass brutality of warfare is inextricably linked with societal constructions of male heterosexuality? Like… who else is doing the killing and driving all the violence then? Sure anybody can be a soldier, not just heterosexual men but come on…. are you going to claim with a straight face that there isn’t a connection between male heterosexuality and state violence? Lol I hope you do, that is an absurd position to take and I welcome the amusing rhetorical gymnastics you will have to display to make that kind of argument!

  • dumpsterlid@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule shame
    4 months ago

    As long as we are arguing about the various reasons he is unfit to serve, and also being careful not to throw our trans friends under the bus in the process, I’m good!

    Also Donald Trump is one of the straightest, most heterosexually normative men alive if we measure heterosexual masculinity in terms of insecurity, which I think is a reasonable way to quantify heterosexual masculinity. I mean, describing thermonuclear explosive yields of nuclear bombs in terms of kilotons of TNT is a reasonable way of talking about abstract regimes of force we can’t directly grasp, so why not kilotons of insecurity to describe the toxic yields of bigots?

    edit gotta love the downvotes, I’m sorry if y’all can’t handle people punching up at heterosexual male identity, I know it is such a fragile thing and I am very sorry I should have been more careful not to break it :)

  • dumpsterlid@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule shame
    4 months ago

    using a devastating neurological diseases as an insult, is wrong, but using it a a reason that he shouldn’t run a country is fair.

    I don’t necessarily disagree but you also run the risk of distracting from the most dangerous part about him. He is a fascist, that is what is wildly dangerous about him and as much as it is fun to make fun of fascists for being dumbshits, it isn’t a lack of mental capacity that leads to fascism. Those two things are perpendicular and as tempting as it is to equate fascism with stupidity the far more terrifying truth is that it only really equates with ignorance.

  • dumpsterlid@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule shame
    4 months ago

    If I was I sure as hell hope that an intersectional feminist would slap me upside the face and point out that it is impossible for a person who is trans to be the Queen Of England without being an extremely problematic figure from the perspective of LGTBQ+ people and people fighting colonialism in general (which includes feminism inherently hence the intersectionality).

    They would also point out that just using “they” instead of “he or she” does no great injustice to people who identify as one of the two accepted status quo genders because it gets people to immediately retort that a heterosexual person in a position of power was not gendered immediately in discussion and instead referred to with the pronoun “they”, which naturally leads to an opportunity to point out how creepy the structure of the english language is with it’s obsession to immediately box people and identities into male or female.

    As a final point I would like to point out that any given trans person who identifies as a Queen is automatically cooler than the Queen Of England. If the trans person can create dope ass baked goods they are automatically 2x as cooler. If they can skateboard too than the effect is exponential leading to a minimum 8x coolness multiplier.

  • dumpsterlid@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule shame
    4 months ago

    If I was standing next to a disposed dictator from possibly the most brutal modern empire who was not overthrown but instead given control over a massive amount of real estate and just let free to do whatever they want as a filthy rich person… I would protect my balls too you don’t know what someone unhinged like that is going to do and you KNOW there isn’t going to be consequences for them so more than anyone else in the world they have zero fear about going for a nut kick.

    Besides the whole English royalty thing is such a lame game of Simon says where rich insular people copy the aesthetics of other rich insular people to accrue more power, it is just like high school, so there could easily be a “Royal Nutcracker” that royalty does when men are around them with their balls uncovered and nobody would bat an eye, not the British public, not the news media, not British politicians… they would all just sigh and say “That’s our queen!” and laugh at you as you reeled in pain.

  • dumpsterlid@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOnly one Rule per child
    4 months ago

    Look we already had a manufactured public panic over evil disney villain types putting razor blades in candy or something for no reason in order to get us all onboard that Halloween is about supporting candy corporations.

    You are going against the spirit of the holiday if you make homemade food or candy and offer it to kids because unlike massive corporations you can’t be trusted, after all massive corporations have a perfect track record of not hurting kids! This is America, trust your personal fav corporation over your neighbor :) and don’t disrespect American culture please.

  • Hi what do you do for work?

    Well, I work for a healthcare company that creates electric wheelchairs and apps to use them.

    Wow that is amazing, that sounds so rewarding! What specifically do you do?

    Thanks! I designed the pricing structure so that each aspect of the wheelchair experience is gated behind carefully designed paywalls that are significant enough to help me my boss get a good bonus at the end of the year but not significant enough that all those poor people out there can’t afford it if they have too. Ideally the cost is always a bit more than people can afford to pay since usually people have more you can squeeze out of their social connections if the need is desperate enough (we are optimizing right now for pricing structures that most encourage customers to make gofundme’s to engage with our products which is cool to be part of a new project).


  • Horrifically, it is basically the same story with the US border as well. Biden has basically continued all of Trump’s border policies and utterly failed to counter “OMG INVASION AT THE BORDER” rightwing fear mongering with ANY effective narrative or policies.

    Of course, Trump would be worse, but something about saying Biden would be better just comes off as really disingenuous to the truth even though it is technically true.

  • dumpsterlid@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneMaking new friends rule
    4 months ago

    $2.9/trip? What are you spending it on? Luxury golden cars with solid gold toilet that arrive every 30 seconds?

    Not solid gold no, just crummy normal urinals dressed up in blue and full of prejudice, looking to do violence preferably with their gun, and coasting on that sweeeet overtime.

    NYC is so fucked with conservative money and austerity politics, it makes me sad given how many progressive people live there.

  • dumpsterlid@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneMaking new friends rule
    4 months ago

    Gotta love that one of the most powerful cities on earth with empty luxury apartments rising into a speculative sky above homeless and the precariously homed (one rent raise away from eviction) is so full of rich miserly conservatives that the everybody has to pay to use one of the most efficient collective forms of transport on the planet. It is like charging people to use an escalator, but even dumber because making mass transit free supercharges commerce by putting a couple extra bucks in the pocket of everyone who uses it (to inevitably spend at the coffee shop, or grocery store, or restaurant… economy go brrrr).

    Jump those turnstiles fam, the rich are stealing so much from you that you could jump turnstiles all day like an Olympic hurtle jumper and it wouldn’t even begin to settle the score, at this point no amount of money can.