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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I do. I track my reading on Storygraph because it motivates me and helps me keep up the habit when I hit a slump or end up with some uninspiring piece. I don’t have to fumble for a new book to read because all recommendations and interests are neatly registered and organized. My progress is tracked and I can celebrate my success. I also have a huge library of digital books, over 2 thousand. By tracking I can keep a log of what I have and haven’t read. Sometimes, after a long while, you forget the names of specific books in series, or where you were last off in a particular author’s collection, etc. It helps with it all. But I don’t connect or share that with anyone. Nor do I feel the need to push it on anyone. Friends and acquaintances are not that into reading as I am and they see no use for a social network about books, and I don’t want nosy strangers rummaging though my reading history.

  • You and your piece of shit attitude is the problem. There’s a difference between asking for advice with something you couldn’t figure out (it’s OK and It happens to all of us), feeling bummed or overwhelmed. Expressing some frustration healthily.

    And walking into a place, complaining that nothing works, insulting their values, proclaiming that you’re leaving because you’re dissatisfied, then slamming the door shut.

    Who tf are you? We don’t know you. You’re not part of our community. This is the first time we’re seeing you, and you’re acting like a little know it all shithead ranting about crap we are already aware of, we already have a solution for, or is not relevant to us because it’s against our principles. And you wonder why nobody here likes you?

    Linux is not a product, no matter how much we like to discuss it, at the end of the day market share is irrelevant for FLOSS. We seek no profit, we chase no investor, we please no shareholder. It’s fitting you are feeling unwelcome, you are unwelcome. You don’t share the same values as our community.

    Good riddance.

  • Maybe you don’t want to watch it. But the algorithm is meant to maximize viewing time. And someone (several someone’s) with a similar profile and tastes to yours went on a viewing rampage in the past. So they are shooting their shot that you’d behave like your peers.

    This kind of videos are also engagement bait. So they are the algorithm darlings. Optimizing for engagement will always result in the most extremist and unhinged content being promoted. The mildly curious about spirituality to religious nutjob pipeline is very real.

  • My guess is no, since the folder is a magical protocol address that I assume VScode/codium wouldn’t understand for they insist on handling the directory hierarchy directly. Haven’t really troubleshoot that workflow though. I use exclusively Git with GitHub/GitLab. So there’s no need for GDrive with an IDE for me. My Drive is exclusively for personal files which most other Linux-as-a-first-class-citizen applications (LibreOffice, PDF readers, photo viewers and editors) just use as the OS gives it to them without issue.

    ADD: I would imagine there’s an additional complication depending on whether Codium is running from repository or Flatplak.

  • My google drive is just a special folder on my file explorer. My account is configured with the system account manager. It shows me all my Drive files and when I want to open one it automatically downloads and opens the file seamlessly as if it were in my PC. If I create, move or change folders, add new files, etc. It automatically syncs it with my Drive.

    This is on Linux Mint with Cinnamon DE.

  • Labs are now trained to avoid the positive-negative nomenclature, as it implies diagnosis which most lab tests are incapable to do on their own. Only licensed medical professionals can diagnose. Nowadays it’s reactive or non-reactive, and other words depending on the kind of test. Specially with modern treatments, lot’s of people live with HIV but would be nonreactive in all tests if they’re under treatment. They still would be infected with the virus but won’t be detected by labs, and probably would never get ill.