• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • What are you even going on about? Proprietary Nvidia graphics drivers updates are released at basically the same time as the windows version, and amd has always worked flawlessly. I have 2 2k 144hz monitors with HDR and both work and look just as good on Linux as on Windows.

    The only issues with high dpi monitors is that some apps don’t both detecting the monitor dpi and need to be adjusted manually… but there are very few that that is still an issue for, and windows has the same problem because it’s an app problem not an OS problem

  • I have a few hundred hours in terraria, but I’ve never really cared how my bases looked… Until I started playing again a few weeks ago. My normal world has each NPCs in living wood styled rooms with a painting each, but that was more because I was tired of digging. I’ll be making a permanent expert (or master) world and plan to make themed and nice rooms for each NPC since digging and materials won’t be an issue. My initial thoughts are a legit wizard tower for the wizard, a doomsday bunker for arms dealer and demo, living wood grove with active waterfall for dryad, fishing hut with pier for angler (going to actually do angler quests for the first time too), workshop for tinkerer steampunker cyborg and mechanic, and a cage surrounded by lava just above the underworld with the bare minimum metal furniture for the guide

  • It is - the bacteria and fungus grow extremely rapidly when it’s between refrigerator and cooking temperature, hence why you usually cook meat from refrigerator temp and don’t wait for it to get to room temp unless you need an excuse to get out of work for a very painful few days.

    Defrosting meat in room temp or hot water gets the outer layers to room temp or warmer much faster than cold water, and the outer sections immediately begin to grow bacteria/fungus extremely fast because of it. Cold water will slow that growth down long enough for the middle to defrost, but you need to keep changing the water or the bacteria will just keep growing faster and faster.

    Also, defrosting meat too fast or cooking it while frozen messes with the texture and flavor of it because the ice crystals haven’t had time to reintegrate into whatever is being cooked which is why you don’t cook stuff that is still frozen (not to mention it will cook extremely unevenly)

  • Cooking kills most bacteria - but not all, that’s how food poisoning still happens in cooked food (cross contamination too, but that’s a separate issue). You should never defrost meat at room temp, best way is in the fridge since it still keeps it at a temp that’s safe for a few days after being fully defrosted but it takes a day or two to fully defrost. To do it faster you can submerge it in cold water if you replace the water every couple of hours (or more often, depending on your room temp) until you cook it but that’s a last resort if you just need it defrosted in the same day

  • In terms of electricity consumption, it’s still not going to be huge, just was noted in case you wanted to go smaller. You can almost certainly go smaller, but at the same time if you already have the hardware it’s not going to be useful to sell it second hand and buy new hardware that has less performance.

    Hosting static websites at home is fine if you really want to, but for anything dynamic and/or that will have a lot of users, get a vps (basically a server that you pay for storage and compute resources on and can use remotely how you like, including hosting stuff like mastodon and lemmy instances)

  • I’m happy to help if anyone needs help with docker and/or Linux stuff. (I’ll probably try to convert you to Linux, the os to rule them all. You’ve been warned) Wont necessarily be everything or set it all up for you, but enough knowledge to get you started and able to learn more yourself is doable

    For op, that setup is likely overkill, most stuff will use more ram than cpu and very few self hosted apps will use the GPU at all (Plex and jellyfin are the only ones that come to mind). Only hurt to it being overkill is a higher power usage than a smaller setup, but if you already have it running full time then it’s unlikely to make a different

  • As much as I like fully self hosting, I ended up paying for Plex lifetime and have it running in docker. It was $120, but has already paid for itself twice over since I managed to convince my wife to drop hbo max, Netflix, and a couple others. She isn’t technical at all so she was hesitant, but she likes plex. If she can’t find what she wants to watch on our few streaming services (paid for by our cell provider, otherwise they’d be cancelled too), she can add it to the watchlist on Plex and radarr or sonarr will download it automatically and make it available on plex pretty quickly (or she’ll tell me to get it and let her know when it’s done).

    I could open my Plex server to more family or friends, but most of them either pirate stuff themselves or are fine with paying for streaming services for the ease of use.

  • Office - browser extensions when you have to use them, libreoffice when it’s for personal use

    Compatibility - almost all hardware has Linux drivers, or at a minimum Linux has drivers that will be drop in replacements. My 3080 ti just required me getting the appropriate Nvidia package (which mt distro took care of), and nothing else has needed any configuration at all. My case and motherboard rgb lights are all controlled by openrgb (to turn them off, I don’t like rgb) and it worked out of the box.

    Steam and steam games - not even close? Steam has official packages on most (or all) package managers so it works natively, and 90% or more games work seamlessly with proton on Linux even if they aren’t verified for it. Basically the only games proton can’t run are games with kernal level monitoring for anti-cheat, but even those are migrating to support Linux slowly. The steam deck even runs arch Linux lol, they wouldn’t sell $400-$650 gaming systems that couldn’t run most games that they themselves sell