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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Sorry, didn’t make it home until today and not sure if you get notifications on edits. You will need a monitor and keyboard hooked up to your server as you will not have ssh access until the network config is “fixed”. I would do the below with the GPU removed, so you know 100% that your networking config is correct before mucking about further.

    Step 1 - Create file

    Add a /etc/systemd/network/ with the below contents.

    # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0
     # This config file is installed as part of systemd.
     # It may be freely copied and edited (following the MIT No Attribution license).
     # To make local modifications, one of the following methods may be used:
     # 1. add a drop-in file that extends this file by creating the
     #    /etc/systemd/network/ directory and creating a
     #    new .conf file there.
     # 2. copy this file into /etc/systemd/network or one of the other paths checked
     #    by systemd-udevd and edit it there.
     # This file should not be edited in place, because it'll be overwritten on upgrades.

    Step 2 - Reboot and find new name of NIC that will be based on MAC

    I forget if you have to reboot, but I am going to assume so. At this point, you can get the new name of your nic card and fix your network config.

    1. ip link should list all of your nic devices, both real and virtual. Here is how mine looks like for reference, with the MAC obfuscated:
    1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
        link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    2: enxAABBCCDDEEFF: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master vmbr0 state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
        link/ether AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    3: vmbr0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
        link/ether AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

    Step 3 - Fix your network config and restart network manager

    You will need to edit your /etc/network/interfaces file so the correct card is used.

    1. Make a copy of /etc/network/interfaces, just in case you mess something up.
    2. sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces (or whatever text editor makes you happy) It will need to look something like below. I have to have DHCP turned on for mine, so your config likely uses static. Really all you need to do is change wherever it says enp yada yada to the enxAABBCCDDEEFF you identified above.
     source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*
     auto lo
     iface lo inet loopback
     iface enxAABBCCDDEEFF inet manual
     auto vmbr0
     iface vmbr0 inet dhcp
     #iface vmbr0 inet static
         bridge-ports enxAABBCCDDEEFF
         bridge-stp off
         bridge-fd 0
    1. Restart your networking service. You shouldn’t need to reboot. sudo systemctl restart networking.service

    Step 4 - Profit?

    Hopefully at this point you have nework access again. Check the below, do some ping tests, and if it doesn’t work, double check that you edited the interfaces file correctly.

    1. sudo systemctl status networking.service will show you if anything went wrong and hopefully show that everything is working correctly
    2. ip -br addr show should show that the interface is up now.
    lo               UNKNOWN ::1/128
    vmbr0            UP    

    At this point, if all is well, I would reboot anyways, just to make sure. If you add any GPUs, sata drives, other PCI device, disable/enable wifi/bt in the BIOS, or anything else that changes the PCI numbering, you don’t have to worry about your NIC changing.

  • Couple things. Fall prevention training. Part of that is knowing how to rescue yourself if you do fall, what to do if your only option is to wait for help, and how to help someone else. There are training sites that will push you off a wall…

    Fall arrest systems are meant to save your life when you fall. You don’t hang in the air with them all day. That is a different type of harness. If you fall, you can’t just get up and continue like nothing happened. Fall arrest part of the harness has to be replaced. The rest of the harness has to be fully inspected, if not replaced as well.

    Hanging in a harness can kill you as the straps will cut off the circulation in your legs. To prevent that, there are these little pouches on a line that you can deploy from your harness that are basically stirrups. You can put your feet in them and “stand” up while waiting for rescue. If someone is in a harness and unable to rescue themselves, this becomes problematic. Gravity is a bitch and waits for nobody.

    I figure it is just a display, but I guess they could go through the effort of shoving people off. Probably safer than the plane. Especially when you are responsible for inspecting your own safety equipment every single time you use it.

  • Like other posts, Factorio. You will lose sleep. Set timers…

    Proton and Vulkan make most things easy-ish if you are using Steam. Note that there is a little properties button on the game page that you probably need to use to force it to use Proton so it will install. Proton DB is your friend. Lutris + Wine is pretty good too. Proton is just Wine with enhancements.

    You may find Helldivers a lot of fun too, especially if you can play with friends. It is suitably ridiculous in the best way and is sort of human vs aliens/robots. All of the humans (us) play on co-op teams to bring Democracy to the universe. There is a game master from the company that makes it that is leading the war against us. Like I said, suitably ridiculous. Most of my friends are playing it nightly and it will be a big part of our LAN party this weekend.

  • I gave Manjaro a shot recently and Bluetooth was 90% unusable for anything but my mouse. Keyboard? Nope. Headset? Nope. Other headset? Nope. Bluetooth speaker? Nope. Unfortunately, it is a brand new Intel motherboard, so I can’t even get WiFi as athk12 or whatever isn’t really done. I was shocked I could get bluetooth to work at all. Sound wasn’t that great through a USB headset either, but then I could at least hear people. For me, I can really only use trackballs now and the USB port on the mouse is for charging only. Bluetooth compatibility is very very important to me and it still being shitty on any system in 2024 blows my damn mind.

    Only other potential issue would be something with how Proxmox is doing passthrough, but I had just as much trouble pairing with Debian underneath through the terminal as I did with the Manjaro VM. On another note, the GPU passthrough is amazing and I had a good time playing games for the first time on Linux. This machine was never intended for gaming, but I thought it would be fun to take a server to a LAN party. Sliger case for the win! Just a 3U.

  • It really depends on the shoe and what kind of working conditions, stress, and exposure to various elements they are getting. Sometimes it can be due to the way you walk too. You can get most shoes resoled and oftentimes they will fit better than they did originally. A good cobbler can repair separation issues too, where the bottom/sole is detaching. It never hurts to take them in and ask. They can do general maintenance too and clean them up.

    I wouldn’t say “really expensive”, as it is all relative, but to me a good pair of boots is going to run in the ~$150-220 range. You can get some a little cheaper, but I am used to getting boots for construction.

  • 🐍🩶🐢@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneI r(ul)efuse
    7 months ago

    It was just amazing as I had been preheating like all the instructions said on various sites, but it never came out amazing. Found one random comment that said to NOT preheat and stick it in cold was the magic I needed. I never liked cooking bacon on the stovetop. Throwing it in the oven is easier for me and I can do bigger batches, especially with two baking pans.

  • 🐍🩶🐢@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneI r(ul)efuse
    7 months ago

    Only exception I found is bacon. Get one of those big metal baking sheets with 1-2" sides, and line it with baking paper. Lay your strips of bacon down, without them touching, and put in the oven. Set to around 425 and your bacon should be done in about 10-15 minutes once the preheat beep goes off. You figure out the time that works with your oven and bacon thickness. Memory is a little fuzzy.

    I read that somewhere once and it comes out way better. Otherwise the top side never gets browned and then you try flipping them to make up for it and it sucks. This way you don’t have to mess with it and the paper absorbs most of the grease. Easy to clean up.

  • 🐍🩶🐢@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlGamedev and linux
    8 months ago

    Image transcription. Pasted from source, Reddit Post

    Despite having just 5.8% sales, over 38% of bug reports come from the Linux community


    38% of my bug reports come from the Linux community My game - ΔV: Rings of Saturn (shameless plug) - is out in Early Access for two years now, and as you can expect, there are bugs. But I did find that a disproportionally big amount of these bugs was reported by players using Linux to play. I started to investigate, and my findings did surprise me.

    Let’s talk numbers. Percentages are easy to talk about, but when I read just them, I always wonder - what is the sample size? Is it small enough for the percentage to be just noise? As of today, I sold a little over 12,000 units of ΔV in total. 700 of these units were bought by Linux players. That’s 5.8%. I got 1040 bug reports in total, out of which roughly 400 are made by Linux players. That’s one report per 11.5 users on average, and one report per 1.75 Linux players. That’s right, an average Linux player will get you 650% more bug reports.

    A lot of extra work for just 5.8% of extra units, right?

    Wrong. Bugs exist whenever you know about them, or not. Do you know how many of these 400 bug reports were actually platform-specific? 3. Literally only 3 things were problems that came out just on Linux. The rest of them were affecting everyone - the thing is, the Linux community is exceptionally well trained in reporting bugs. That is just the open-source way. This 5.8% of players found 38% of all the bugs that affected everyone. Just like having your own 700-person strong QA team. That was not 38% extra work for me, that was just free QA!

    But that’s not all. The report quality is stellar. I mean we have all seen bug reports like: “it crashes for me after a few hours”. Do you know what a developer can do with such a report? Feel sorry at best. You can’t really fix any bug unless you can replicate it, see it with your own eyes, peek inside and finally see that it’s fixed.

    And with bug reports from Linux players is just something else. You get all the software/os versions, all the logs, you get core dumps and you get replication steps. Sometimes I got with the player over discord and we quickly iterated a few versions with progressive fixes to isolate the problem. You just don’t get that kind of engagement from anyone else.

    Worth it? Oh, yes - at least for me. Not for the extra sales - although it’s nice. It’s worth it to get the massive feedback boost and free, hundred-people strong QA team on your side. An invaluable asset for an independent game studio.