Born a sconie right on Lake Michigan, lived in Iowa for a handleful of years for college, then moved to Sota where I live currently. Software Engineer for 20+ years, Ham Radio Operator, lover of retro graming, old time radio and the outdoors.

Mastodon: [email protected]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 9th, 2022

  • I don’t think it matters what tools you use as long as it works.

    That would be true if other systems and services depend on them. Would have been nice to come out with a standard and designed systemd around that standard. Then you pick the tool you want that follows the standard rather than be tied into systemd.

    Worth noting is that a process not managed by pid 1 isn’t really a thing you want generally

    I would disagree. A compromised Docker doesn’t mean i have access to things managed by PID1. The entire control model is based around moving your publicly available services further away from something with the highest level of access. Be it users or processes.

  • Well sort of. If you never talked about dating for instance, and you then started taking to the AI about dating it may not put two and two together to get that it relates to sex. It wouldn’t be able to infer anything about the topic as it only knows what the statistically most likely next word is.

    That’s what i feel like most people don’t get. Even uploading years and years of your own text will only match your writing style and the very specific things you’ve said about specific topics. That why the writers strike is kind of dumb. This form of AI wont invent new stories, just rehash old ones.

    …oh…now I see why they are on strike.

  • Unfortunately this setup will only get you to a very rudimentary match to your writing style and only copying from text you’ve already written. New subjects or topics you did not feed it won’t show up. What you’d get is a machine that would be a caricature of you. A mimic.

    Its not until the AI can actually identify the topics you prompt, make decisions based on what views and how they relate to the topic that you’ll have an interesting copy of yourself. For example if you were to ask it for something new you should cook today PrivateGPT would only list things you current stated you liked. It would not be able to know the style of food, the flavors and then make a guess as to something else that fits that same taste.

  • So it was 1995, and a new version of Windows came out. Sadly it didnt run on our 486 so we upgraded to a new computer with a Pentium processor (a week before the Pentium Pro was released). My parents got their new machine and i was left with with Windows 3.11.

    A friend of mine from school, a few years older, had just come back from a computer show down in Green Bay with a box fully of floppy disks (like 70). That weekend i brought my computer over to his house along with a few other friends and we all installed Slackware. At that point we were all using the Universe of Wisconsin’s dialup service and were able to get online, do some Gopher, IRC and MUDing.

    The only other time i ran a non *nix OS would be when work gave me a Windows machine or when I was gaming (Quake, Ultima Online). Otherwise it has been Linux and BSDs since 95

  • Which issue are they trying to solve? The censoring and control issue goes away with federated systems but there is the cost of having a running network. The corporate networks charge you the fee of personal info so it doesn’t cost actually money.

    In all honesty the biggest issue I see is that social media eventually leads to us seeing what most of society is really like… boring, bigoted and stupid. This exists everywhere, it’s only that smaller networks like Lemmy just dont have the numbers to make those issues be so prominent.