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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • You seeing me as aggressive just because I’m right about Firefox being a web browser is nothing I can do anything about and something you have to work with.

    Me and Mozilla will keep trucking and call Mozilla Firefox a Web Browser… Or as Wikipedia says:

    Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation.

    And you keep calling Firefox your banana or whatever. It’s ok. I promise to continue to not being aggressive about it.

    Banana or not, a document viewer / editor that handle a subset of two standards is not a very versatile document viewer / editor.

    So back to my original point: Since Mozilla doesn’t have a very stable business model it seems dangerous to focus on other things than making their web browser the best at browsing the web.

    Ps. It took us over 20 years to get rid of the cluster f***s Internet Explorer and Flash was and it seems we should have learned the lesson by now. Going down the same route as before, starting to support standards that rely on patents owned by a third party (Adobe in this case) is definitively not a death sentence in any way, but history has shown us that it’s a slippery slope that has many different paths and endings.

  • You obviously know very little about PDF since you’re trying to put it on the same level as HTML.

    The PDF files that we see in our daily life today is not even halfway as open as HTML is and dealing with them is not as easy as you think.

    Furthermore, you’re free to call Firefox a “document viewer”.

    I personally prefer a state of the art web browser and a state of the art PDF viewer more than one document viewer that only handles subsets of 2 document types.

  • mindlight@lemm.eetoFirefox@lemmy.mlEdit PDFs for free with Firefox PDF Editor
    2 months ago

    That was 20 years ago. Numerous PDF readers has surfaced since then.

    PDF is not like HTML.PDF is a messy standard where you need Adobe products to support all the shit that a PDF could contain. There is no open source product that for example fully support PDF forms and therefore Mozilla won’t either.

    All in saying is that Firefox is a web browser and not a document viewer. Since Mozilla would go bankrupt in two hours if Google stopped showing them with a shitload of money, Mozilla would be wise to focus on the core.

    So if Google were to stop paying Mozilla for us to be able to use Firefox for free, we’re all running Chrome.

  • Normally it’s not lack of Windows compatibility breaking the use of an application with wine, it’s the frameworks and libraries the application was built with/need to have access to.

    So check what additional libraries and stuff your application have as a prerequisite. Visual C 2005? 2010? DotNet framework? Which version? And so on.

    When you know what the application needs, then you can Google for “wine DotNet 4.5” (just an example) to get a feeling what problems people had and how they solved it.

    Essentially wine needs to know where to find them when you start your application with/in wine.

    Also, if your application uses MSSQL Express or similar, you might be out of luck. So if that’s the case you should start googling on how to get that running (if even possible) before installing.

    Good luck, be stubborn and make sure to have fun. There’s a lot you’ll learn in this adventure of yours that will come in handy again and again in the future.

  • The statistics seem to be based on User Agent. A lot of people"fake" their user agent to avoid fingerprinting and other things.

    I myself used to do it when I wanted to download Windows 10 ISO from Microsoft. If your UA said anything Windows you were forced to use download Microsoft USB Tool. If it said Linux you got a direct link to the ISO.

  • As someone who’s been writing for close to ten years now, I would tend to think I would get paid at this point. Or, at least write for a site that would. I can’t begin to describe in words how frustrating and unfair it’s been to see websites that are “younger” than me become so successful that they’re able to write for their site as a full-time job in just one year.

    This is a truth I’ve seen again and again throughout my career (started my career in IT in the 90’s). Just because you’re awesome at something doesn’t guarantee you a fat bank account. The people who most often succeed are the ones that have at least some knowledge of a subject and some understanding of how business work.

    It doesn’t mean anything that you’re the best at what you do if you don’t know how to get the customer to sign the agreement.

  • The problem is that the vast majority of end users prefer apps over websites. They have no clue whatsoever that 99% of all apps are essentially just wrapped websites.

    Since Mozilla has been unable to find a viable business model (No, relying on Google handouts is not a viable business model) I fear that there is only one possible future and a free web is not part of it.

  • You can set the camera to store the pictures as JPEG. I am happy with JPEG for my holiday photos. Just check that you have the best quality setting since JPEG uses lossy compression.

    While HEIF is not the doomsday thing some describes it as, it currently is somewhat problematic.

    There are for example problems, originating in differences in implementation between different hardware vendors, with 10-bit and HDR.

  • mindlight@lemm.eetoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldTrueNAS/Nextcloud HEIC support?
    7 months ago

    I replied to a statement about Heif being an Apple image format. It is not.

    Furthermore, HEIF is something that most major mobile device vendors support. Some, like Samsung, even sets it as default on some of their devices. So the whole “Apple always supporting not open standards” is just tiresome at this point.

    99.999% of all Android users are defacto locked in by Google. Yes, Android might be open but Play services are not. Google works hard to lock in Android users.

    At least Apple are open and honest about locking in iOS users.

  • mindlight@lemm.eetoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldTrueNAS/Nextcloud HEIC support?
    7 months ago


    It’s a container for image data developed by Moving Picture Experts Group (“MPEG”, try to guess what else they have created).

    While there are some compatibility issues between vendors HEIC still offers a greater set of features as compared to fx JFIF (you probably know it as JPEG/JPG.

    Apple was one of the early adopters (2017) and (as usual?) the industry has followed. Microsoft wants money for the codec in Windows and that’s probably one of the reasons why it’s not commonly used…yet.