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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • I agree with you fully that it’s not hard or difficult necessarily–I think it can just be frustrating for some users, even more web/tech-literate folks.

    I just think improving the UX/UI in general and providing more explanation/resources especially to newer users would go a long way with encouraging elieving some of the frustrations. Easier said than done obviously!

  • As far as I understand that’s correct. I’ve got a solid junior level understand of programming LOL but ActivityPub acts as an interface basically where instead of the content being walled off to Instagram specifically this new Threads app should be accessible by the outside world (Mastadon, Lemmy, whatever else) through ActivityPub. Those apps would get the content through requests to the interface. So you could theoretically migrate your content just like you can on other Fediverse apps.

  • I’m right there hoping with you and I think this very well could be a big turning point as they’ll be the first major player, to my knowledge, to incorporate anything Fediverse into their ecosystem.

    My other big hope is that the process of signing up for sites like Lemmy, Mastadon, and other Fediverse apps is improved so that more people can navigate it easily. As you said, right now the UX is pretty bad and can be frustrating even for veteran users of the internet. My biggest frustration, like many, when signing up for Mastadon was trying to choose a server and the way the Servers page is structured made it ten times more difficult I felt like because it’s just a giant list of servers that are sorted by category.

    I think with a really great UX and simplified UI for the sign-up process that would go a long way to not turning people away. I imagine a literal walk through of the whole process, step by step, with lots of hand holding and tool-tips pointing to things in case someone gets confused.

  • I love the aspect of it being tied to ActivityPub and I do still utilize Instagram primarily as a way to communicate with friends and family, so I’m willing to give it a try. However, I don’t think it will replace the love I have for Mastadon or be able to match the aspects of Mastadon that I really enjoy: the positive communities, personalization, no algorithm, etc.

  • I feel your pain 1000%

    I tried for the longest time to get my wife, other friends, family, etc. to use Signal to no avail. Trying to explain Lemmy or Mastadon to them is like trying to explain the concept of fire to cavemen. (Not that they’re dumb or even tech illiterate necessarily, I just don’t think most folks care enough to bother with it sadly right now).

  • I’m not sure if you’re on iOS or Android from the screenshot provided but on Android you could try something like RSS Widget (on the Google Play store) you just add in the appropriate RSS feeds and name them with a title/header and it presents a similar widget on your device.

    This gives me an idea to try and make one of my own for Android! That was the only one I came across that seemed halfway decent during my search.