I just wanted to confirm from our meeting just now, did you want me to (some crazy shit that could cause problems)?

  • 21 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 9th, 2024

  • mozz@mbin.grits.devtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldHDD data recovery
    4 days ago

    You’re going to think I am joking but I am not. Multiple people have sworn to me that this works for a common failure mode of HDD drives and I’ve literally never heard someone say they tried it and it failed. I’ve never tried it. Buyer beware. Don’t blame me if you fuck up your drive / your computer it’s connected to / anything else even worse by doing this:

    1. Stick it in the freezer for a short while.
    2. Take it out.
    3. Boot it up.
    4. If it works, get all the data off it as quick as you can.

  • It became associated with aggressive internet shutins bleating about Pickle Rick and the szechuan sauce, although it’s hard to tell where exactly the line was between “these guys are losers yelling and being obnoxious at McDonalds,” and “stop cyberbullying we’re all just internet weirdos who like a funny cartoon and that is fine.” And then, Justin Roiland had some kind of sex abuse allegations and the worm turned and the world is officially supposed to hate Rick and Morty now, I think.

    I mean, allegedly. I’m with you; some of it is still some great funny shit.

  • mozz@mbin.grits.devto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneUkraine rule
    14 days ago

    Fair point also

    Not really directly related, but one of my favorite takes on it is from “Sky Over Kharkiv” by Serhiy Zhadan, some commentary on the day to day, from an ordinary Ukrainian watching his country full of normal people get dumped wholesale into a sustained hot war. Here’s his take on Ukraine’s mentality, as compared with the US’s and Russia’s:

    And I’d like to make another point. I was rather skeptical of the current government. I was struck by one particular thing. The elections of 2019 brought a lot of young people to power – not my peers (I’m a far cry from being young) but a bunch of political youngsters who didn’t belong to dozens of parties or hadn’t worked for all kinds of shady cabinets of ministers. “But why do these young people,” I thought, “act like old functionaries from the Kuchma era? Where did their childish urge to make a quick buck and flaunt it come from? Why aren’t they trying to be different?” Thing is, I personally had the chance to do what I still consider rather constructive, useful things with a lot of them – everyone from ministers to mayors and governors. Nonetheless, I’d look toward the Parliament building and ask myself, “Why aren’t you trying to be different?”

    Now [in wartime] with the naked eye you can see them trying to be different. Advisers, speakers, ministers, negotiators, officers, mayors, and commanders – these forty-year-old boys and girls whose generation has been dealt the cruel lot of having to stand up for their country. And this applies no less (and possibly even more) to the millions of soldiers, volunteer fighters, and just regular people pitching in, people shedding the swampy legacy of the twentieth century, like mud falling off new, yet well-chosen combat boots. Young Ukrainian men and women – that’s who this war of annihilation is being waged against. And then, in contrast, are the heads of Russia, Belarus, America, and Germany. The first two are old delusional geezers from the past century who look a lot like old Russian armored vehicles, but they’re old. And they’re Russian, which, in itself, does little to recommend a vehicle. Then there are the latter two – they’re cautious office clerks, retired capitulators who aren’t brave enough to admit that they, too, are involved in what’s going on.

    Emphasis is mine

    (And, I just wanna make it clear that I love that America is supporting Ukraine in the war; I’m not trying to talk any shit about the aid for Ukraine or its genuineness. Just I feel like even now there’s still a disconnect between views of the aid on the US and Ukrainian side and I want to stick up for the Ukraine viewpoint in that)

  • I’m not trying to say they’re not giving aid. They’re keeping Ukraine alive, and God bless them for it.

    The point that I’m making is they have a habit of waiting months or years before they give the type of aid that’s required, and don’t really seem to be making a crash priority about it, in the way they would if Americans were dying by the thousands and cities being destroyed. Zelensky actually specifically said that they didn’t seem to want to give enough aid to “win” particularly, just enough not to lose, and sometimes specific types years after it was the specific type that it was needed (F-16s being an example).

    Looking at American politics, I can kind of understand it, in that we have one wing that’s specifically trying to sabotage Ukraine and make sure they lose, and one wing that’s trying to fight to get them the aid that’s needed, and they’re fighting a pitched battle. On the other hand, looking from the Ukrainian side, I can sympathize quite a lot with the viewpoint that fuck all that, IDK what you’re talking about, we’re dying out here can you please just fucking help us.

  • I have a private theory, for which I have absolutely 0 evidence, that the forces of the establishment have some way of sneaking stupid unpopular things or phrases into the left’s discourse which the left then seizes and runs with, much to the establishments’s delight. E.g. renaming the Green Party the Green-Rainbow Party, climate activists attacking famous artworks, things like that.

    I have 0 evidence for this, as applied to “defund the police” or anything else. Actually I sort of suspect that “defund the police” was an original creation of the ACAB contingent which meant exactly what it sounds like, that got retconned by more sensible but still reform-minded people into meaning “more properly fund everything else” for exactly the reasons we’re discussing. But as a general rule I suspect (again, with 0 evidence) that some of what you’re talking about actually comes from deliberate sabotage.

  • Yeah. That part makes perfect sense to me. It’s a little different from what you were saying, but someone on Lemmy was actually telling me about their experience with someplace where something like this had been implemented – mental health people going on certain calls instead of cops, with cops assisting in cases that might turn violent, and it sounds like it works out great from all people involved’s perspective. The callers are happier because people come who are better at handling the problems, the cops are happier because they don’t have to deal with calls they are less qualified to deal with, the mental health people are happier because they have cops on standby for violent calls but they also get to deal with things right from the jump, instead of coming in after the cops came and just tackled and cuffed the person or whatever and now they have to come into the middle of the wreckage.

    I know you were talking about things at an even much earlier level than when the 911 call happens; that sounds good to me too. The only part I was objecting to was the vindictive framing of it. Like if you want to fund mental health and homeless services that sounds great, we should do that. Coupling that idea up with punishing the police because they were bad (not saying you’re doing that, but definitely some people have that in mind saying “defund the police” I think) I don’t think is the way to produce progress though.

  • 100% agree with this

    I should make clear I am not an ACAB person by any means. The whole mentality that the police are automatically the enemy makes just as little sense to me as that the police are never the enemy.

    But no one in the world should simply have unaccountable power. Body cams, judicial oversight, warrants, charges when they abuse their power, get rid of police unions or anything else that makes it difficult for a department to fire an officer who they feel is causing problems. Just like some percentage of non police people do bad stuff and we need a system to watch them and try to protect everyone else from them, we need it 10 times more for police people.

  • Yeah, I mean glimpse seems fine; in general it seems completely fine if someone says “hey I think this is a problem for some percent of people who have weird priorities in life because they are corporate or weird thinking, I support the idea to solve it and make a friendly name for them”

    It’s just that if the response is “yeah that percent of people are not our problem, we just want to make this project and we did, thank you and good day”, then you need to be able to say “ok I will make the fork to fix it then” instead of writing up a big blog post demanding that they need to obey you on what your opinion of the priorities for their own project should be.

  • Surely anyone who feels that it’s an urgent problem can make a fork which is fully identical in every way except for the logo and name and branding

    Since the amount of effort that would be required for that would be infinitesimal compared to what was already done to make the software

    And then produce all these good things which you say are being held back

    Or, wait, did you mean you wanted someone else to do that because you feel that it’s super important enough to insist that someone else should do it but not important enough to do yourself?