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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 7th, 2023


  • numberfour002@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    15 days ago

    Open the hood of your car and you can summon an entire neighborhood. For real, need directions in the Appalachians, just stop somewhere with houses, open your hood and spend a few minutes staring at your engine.

    It’s important to note that “the Appalachian mountains” span thousands of miles / kilometers across the United States and Canada and there aren’t many generalizations that hold up for folks across that entire span. That may not be clear to a lot of folks, especially those not familiar with the eastern USA.

    Of the parts I’m familiar with, mostly the southern parts, I would say that advice probably works best if you already fit in enough that you might appear to be “one of them” versus if you are visibly a minority, particularly if you stop some place outside the more liberal towns and cities. I can tell you for sure that many peoples’ demeanor changes for the worse if/once they find out or assume you are gay and there are parts where you will find yard and road signs that specifically are anti-lgbt.

    Granted, I’m not trying to paint the whole population of that 2,000+ mile swath of land as all being rabid bigots and racists either, just that for people reading that advice, I would say “your mileage my vary.”

  • If you feel empty inside after eating hot dogs then you are nae true hotdog lover. No biggie. Not everyone can handle all beef franks, a dollop of chili, chopped onions, and mustard on brioche buns. Maybe you are a BLT lover instead, or perhaps a chocolate lover? Maybe those would fill you up and temporarily make you forget all your occupational drama, if only briefly. You can always make up for it by spending a little more time working out or exercising the next day, which is also good for dealing with stress. Win-win.

  • numberfour002@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneConsumerule
    3 months ago

    I’ve known some of “these people”. Couple of pointers.

    First, resist the urge to hold you breath too much. Sounds counter productive, but this is not a situation where you want to lower the amount of oxygen reaching your brain. But also, the more you breathe it in, the sooner you start to become nose blind to the worst elements of the aroma.

    Second, try not to laugh when you inevitably have to ask “where should I move this stuff in the seat?” even though you already know the answer is going to be “just throw it on the floor”.

  • numberfour002@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneitalian rule
    3 months ago

    DISCUSSTING but I do like their food. Harold and I are on a fixed income so we don’t eat at the Olive Garden anymore but there’s an Italian place over in Monroe that has some really good parmeseans and for half the price so when the kids come to visit we have been known to eat there.

  • numberfour002@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    4 months ago

    My very first PC was a Compaq. It was not the cheapest low-end piece of shit available in those days, yet it was still an absolute low-end piece of shit. USB ports broke with minimal use. CD-ROM drive broke despite minimal use. The case started falling apart after a year or so. RAM went bad. I could go on, but you get the point. PIECE OF LITERAL FECES.

    And then they got bought by HP, which was already on my list of PIECE OF LITERAL FECES companies.

    So, that’s when I knew I’d never buy anything HP branded. That was 20+ years ago.

    And literally (I’m using literally in the literal sense), every single person I know who has bought something (anything) HP branded after I advised them not to has regretted their decision. It’s honestly baffling how they are still in business on the consumer end. Their stuff is crap. PIECES OF LITERAL FECES.