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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Some of the more extreme-minded liberals do a good enough job at sabotaging themselves and the movements they are a part of, without the need for malicious saboteurs. Like Atheist+ or progressive stack.

    Then again, Russians orgs are out there, trying to influence politic movements and sabotage others. GamerGate was an entire sea of political actors, journalists, influencers, and Russian agents, trying to push their own narratives to the point of mass disinformation from both sides, with the general public on either side confused and angry at the other’s responses.

  • Defund means to essentially get rid of a department or thing. The phrase “defend the police” means “get rid of the police”. It doesn’t matter if there’s some cartoon to re-explain away the phrase or a bunch of other people trying to re-define the English language. English is English, and words have meaning.

    The “defund the police” movement failed because us liberals don’t fucking understand marketing. Like, at all. I can’t count the number of times some liberal movement crops up with their slogan and Republicans turn that slogan against them because nobody spent the ten minutes time to think about how that phrase or thing could be abused. For example, that brief time when the LGBT movement wanted to rename themselves to LGBTQIA2SUVWTFBBQ? Seriously?!?

    It’s like naming your baby “Assman McAssface” and wondering why he gets bullied in school.

  • There are far too many local to mid-size banks that have a shocking lack of security. Logins without HTTPS, banks using ancient transfer protocols, web sites that can recover your full password in plaintext.

    My old mortgage company had a bug where if you hit the Login button twice, it would redirect to a GET request with my password on the query string. Good thing I was re-financing away to some other company that actually gave a shit.

    Even with all of the security standards out there, like PCI, NIST 800-53, SOX, FedRAMP, etc., there is not enough enforcement to punish these fucking lazy assholes from leaking data like this. Even in the larger sectors, it’s just a constant pattern of buying out more shitty banks with different platforms and policies, until you have this mess of mismatched everything that can’t be unified into sane standards.

  • That’s DALL-E. DALL-E is different than Stable Diffusion, which is different from Midjourney, which is different from the many NAI anime models out there.

    We need to stop treating LD models like they are all the same thing. Models are based on the data they are trained on. Sure, a lot of them started out from a Stable Diffusion model, but that’s not always the case, and enough training can have them go off in specialized directions.

  • Yeah, if you go back through hundreds of years of artwork, most of it are pictures of women. Some of them are nude. There are many many artists that only draw women, modern or classical. And there’s a ton of male Japanese artists from centuries ago that did the same thing.

    I asked it to create a sort of witchy, sorceress character and many of the generations she was fully topless with her boobs out, despite me not asking that or even explicitly putting “fully clothed” into the prompt. There was one image that the system created and then removed and threatened me with a ban for it being too sexualized despite me putting no sexual language in the prompt and it being all the AI.

    That’s just one model, and obviously not Stable Diffusion. LD models are just based on whatever they were trained on. If you don’t like it, download another model trained on something else and try it out. Or train one yourself.

    Also, I wish everybody would download a SD client and just use this software locally. All of these toy websites are shit, and local clients aren’t going to threaten to ban you because of what you generated. It’s a good learning experience to figure out the software, and these tools are useful for more things than just bitching about the tech on the web.