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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • You just said a bunch of things that you need prove. How is Hooters worse than a stripclub? I’ve been to Hooters and stripclubs and it’s the polar opposite.

    In Hooters you have a bunch of people just eating their wings. Most people don’t even care about the waitresses, they are pretty but that’s it, nobody touches or says anything to them. If someone does, I’d expect them to get in trouble.

    Inna stripclub people are constantly breaking the rules and stripers tolerate that because the guy is probably teasing them with money. I’ve seen it with my own eyes, a guy with a 20 dollar bill showing it to a woman as an excuse to get handsy, and she let him. How is that remotely close to Hooters?

  • I don’t think cars are ever going away, even if public is the main transportation method. Which obviously sucks, but it’s the way it is.

    I’ve always imagined a protocol that lets cars communicate their planned speed. I’m pretty sure this is how cars will work in the future. A decentralized mesh of coordinated vehicles. This means that cars can:

    • Maximize constant speed time, improving energy consumption and traffic flow.
    • Minimize distance between vehicles based on speed and acxeleration while complying with safety standards.
    • Connect to devices such as semaphores in order to tell if the vehicle will pass or not, to make a better decision.
    • Connect to other mesh devices such as AI cameras that feed events to the vehicle mesh.

    Public is obviously the best option though. Imagine a city with no streets, only subterranean public transportation. You wouldn’t even need such a large public transportation system, cities would be a fraction of the current size. I wonder what percentage of the area of a city is wasted on streets.