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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • my vision for a peaceful future isn’t a perpetual Mexican standoff. Nor do I like the idea of political power and representation being directly proportional to one’s intent and capability to do violence.

    The unfortunate reality is that all political power is derived from one’s capability to do violence, whether we want to acknowledge it or not. I pay my taxes because if I don’t the federal government will forcefully take the money from me, or my other possessions. Yeah, arresting someone is “nonviolent” until that person just says “I’d prefer not to.” Forcing someone to pay a fine is nonviolent until they say “I’d prefer not to.”

    It’s the only motivator the government or any body of real power has at the end of the day. It’s a bunch of social norms and agreements all backed by the understanding that you will be made to comply by force otherwise.

  • And we found that overwhelmingly employees were happier and worked more efficiently from home.

    I don’t care if they were intended to be temporary. I do not owe my employer any more than the work they pay me to do. If I do that same work from home, in less time, more efficiently, and effectively, than any employer making me go to an office can go fuck thesmelves.

    Again, you haven’t said a reason employees should have to go in. You reek of “Well I suffered so everyone else has to hur dur”

    The world changes, get with the fucking times and stop licking the boots of your corporate overlords.

  • makes it appear negative that they don’t see what’s going on with their money. I I interpreted that as them being ignorant of what happens with their money

    To be clear, the meme is that PayPal shows the users’ dead names (presumably because the account was set up prior to their transition/legal reasons)

    The “I do not see it” is referencing “not seeing” the dead names in the transaction details.

  • It was a bug in that version of the distro IIRC, trying to install Steam would instead try to install the SteamOS desktop environment (or something along those lines). It has since been fixed to actually install the Steam client.

    Obviously it was a bit silly he typed “Yes, do as I say” after seeing the message, but he was also literally following exactly what all the online guides said to do (other than the “Yes do as I say” part). Luckily it’s fixed now but I do think it was a really good demonstration of what the video wanted to see: “What might the average non-techie gamer face using Linux?”

  • I found what really helps Jellyfin on my Chromecast is setting the player manually. There’s a setting to make it ask which player to use when starting a show and if one doesn’t work, 99% of the time the other one works fine.

    Sometimes switching players doesn’t fix subtitles for me, in those situations I usually have to toggle subs a few times or restart the stream and they actually work.

    In my opinion it’s a minor enough inconvenience given Jellyfin is 100% free and open source, whereas Plex is tracking you and charging you. But of course maybe your media is in some more difficult format than mine.