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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • Theoretically, USBC 3.1 has 10Gbit/s from what I’m reading so it sounds like you’re right. My concern is the chipset on the MoBo, how many lanes it has, and what it supports. I haven’t looked into it but I bet this is the limiting factor. Especially if you’re adding a lot of USB devices.

    Yep, just an old PC that I moved into a case with hotswap hard drive bays. I also bought a LSI 9300-8i to support the hard drives.

  • I have a DIY NAS… Not sure of specs any more. Some micro-atx board with a cheaper AMD CPU. All it’s for is an NFS share and I use almost no resources on it.

    I have a bunch of PI4 8GB and lenovo m92p tinys that I use for the compute. Their storage is the DIY NAS.

    If I was starting out and planned on growing m’y setup, id go option 4. Just do an all in one thing, run everything on it. When you run out of ram/CPU consider a pi or mini like I have. When you need more disk, add it into the NAS.

    If you just want something simple option 1. USB will 100% limit transfer speed but what kind of speed do you actually need? What will you run?

  • Your router will get a public IP. For example This is the port your ISP is plugged into. (Perhaps the WAN labeled port) this IP is what you want to access from a different network (cell data, friends house, etc). It’s important that you confirm the WAN IP on your router is a real public IP. Some providers actually give you a private (CGNAT) IP and its a huge pain in the ass. Going to what is my IP or whatever and compare it to your WAN IP on the router website is a good test. They should be the same. If they are, no matter where you are in the world you can access the wan side of your router. If not, tailscale is a good option.

    The other port on a router has a private IP, for example This could look 4+ ports but that’s basically just a switch and more or less the same thing.

    Anyway, you have to tell your router, if you get something on the WAN port to TCP port 80 you need to forward it to laptop IP TCP port 80.

    If this is successful, you need to make sure the laptop firewall allows access to TCP 80 from anywhere. If you can access the laptop website from your phone on WiFi then its pretty safe bet that its allowed from anywhere, unless you told it otherwise.

    I like to test public access from on https://canyouseeme.org/

    Edit: to add, this will only ever work if you’re at home. Each new network you connect to, you will need to access the router and do the exact same thing to provide access to your laptop. Not ideal, and impossible at something like a hotel or hospital. Overlay network give you a second virtual network that you plug a virtual cable into for all your devices, including phones. If you do this you can just use that second virtual IP to access your stuff no matter where you are.

  • If you want something publicly accessible (like google, etc) you will have to open a port on your router and point it to your laptop.

    If you want something privately accessible (like your router website) then you do not need to touch your router but both devices (laptop and phone) will need to be on the same private network.

    What is not possible is to take your laptop to a hotel somewhere, leave it on while you take your phone out in the city and access your laptop via the public internet. You would need access to the hotel router to allow it. I believe this is what you’re trying to do from your post above.

    IF you want to do something like what I said. You’ll need an overlay network. It’s basically a virtual private network you can install on your devices. Personally I love tailscale(with headscale) but there are lots. Then you’ll be able to connect to your laptop in a hotel from your phone while you’re away.

    I would start with a website that says hello world without SSL/HTTPS. Get this accessible from your phone on the same network, then decide what you want to do and take it one step at a time. SSL next? Public access? Tailscale access? The idea would be to do it all but one thing at a time.