• 1 Post
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 27th, 2024


  • Good idea. I get a number of CORS errors - but I also get them without the VPN, so I don’t think that’s it.

    The idea that CR doesn’t block me, their content hipster does though - that might have merit. Hm. I have noticed that some sites require me to solve the Cloudflare Captcha. So maybe that happens when requesting the page/stream, and then since I don’t (can’t) solve it, nothing happens?

    Do you have an idea how I could verify this? 😅

  • Alright, this is weird. I ran tcpdump on the server, and checked both physical and wg0 interface. For things like youtube, it’s a constant stream of packets coming in on the physical interface, then immediately being relayed through wg0 - just as it should be.

    But for Crunchyroll, there’s… Nothing. I get an initial burst of packets when opening the site containing the video I want to stream, and then packets just stop coming in once the page itself has fully loaded.

  • …no?

    I think what plays into this is also language. In English / to you, I presume it makes perfect sense to say “Pi is approximately three point one four”. In other languages (for me, German) the literal translation “Pi ist ungefähr drei Punkt eins vier” sounds awful and wrong. We say “Pi ist ungefähr drei Komma eins vier” (“Pi is approximately three comma one four”) so we also write it like this 🤷🏼‍♀️

  • Oof yeah. Finding a reddit thread with your exact query as the title, getting excited to see a comment, aaaaand… It’s “This comment was deleted by EliteUltraEraser Premium TM. I value my privacy,…”

    (I do get it though. And who knows, maybe this will actually help in the long run and not just lead to increased usage of Discord communities so ask the same thing over and over and over again because they aren’t fucking publicly searchable god I hate what Discord has done to the searchability of issues in the tech space?)


    Nr. 1 accepted answer (lots of years ago): something something plenty of information available on Google, no need for this thread

    Nr. 2 answer (way fewer years ago): seeing as this is now the first Google result for anything relating to this, here’s how you do it.

    (shame I can’t remember what exactly the question was. Please still believe me? 🥺)

    • Windows (family PC)
    • a BUNCH of Ubuntu-based distros (Ubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Ubuntu Studio (which was awesome btw), Mint,… ) on my first own PC
    • Arch for years and years and years
    • NixOS

    I wouldn’t count the last switch as distro hopping though. It was a calculated decision after months of deliberation and trying things out. And now that everything is set up, I am very certain that I’ll never switch to another distro again, Nix is just too good.