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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Yeah, obviously, or the title wouldn’t even have happened.

    And it’s been that way for a while now. Back when windows 10 happened, I was able to install mint, get most of my preferred programs set up, and handle data transfer with zero CLI use. Which was awesome, because my dyslexic ass would have taken forever otherwise. It wasn’t until I started putzing around for pop and giggles that I even opened a terminal.

    My mom w as able to jump right in after installation of mint, and go through the gui to try things out, no issues.

  • Too far gone at this point. It sucks, but every drive has an end of life. After that point, no matter how many hoops you jump through, they’re read only until they quit entirely. I think that’s where you are now, so even if there’s something in the thread that works to get it back to being able to write to it, you should consider what you get on there as read only, and maybe that only is “only once”.

  • Because it isn’t doc is docx.

    Publishers are pissy about such things. Even self publishing (which is what I do now), the various outlets still have limits to what they will use. Amazon accepts something like three file formats, including their own, and pdf isn’t on the list.

    I could just do pdf for directly giving them away to people, but even then, epub is usually a better pick in terms of readability since that’s the standard for actual books since ereaders tend to display it better than pdfs. Most people reading books via files would be using something that can give a better experience with epub vs pdf.

  • You pronounce it any way other than the way the person saying it does.

    This results in a few possible outcomes.

    The person may get an opportunity to go on at length about why their pronunciation is used, and be entertaining.

    The person may get all het up about it, insisting that you’re wrong, and you can further mess with them by shrugging and continuing to use whatever you were using.

    The person doesn’t care, and y’all have a nice conversation about distros and Linux in general.

    The person switches to your pronunciation, and you now have a stalker.

  • Out of curiosity, why yiffit in particular? Lot of nice people there for sure, but that can be said of most instances.

    If you’re going to only have a single account to keep track of, there are plenty of options that aren’t as likely to be defederated, and you still have access to the yiffit content and users as well as ml content and users.

    Mind you, there’s more benefit to having multiple accounts than drawbacks, particularly for the nsfw stuff. I tend to block the majority of the communities that fall into the porn side of that on my main accounts just because I like my feed to be useful to me, and I have very limited use for porn/fetish material on a regular basis, but I don’t bother on other accounts because it doesn’t bother me to just scroll past on those occasional use accounts.

  • If you want to enjoy distro hopping, go find a cheap thinkpad as a secondary device, and have fun. Otherwise, you try out live discs/drives to see if you get full compatibility with your main device.

    Truth is that you’ll have more difference in user experience DE hopping than distro hopping.

    You only distro hop until you find what works right with an your hardware and preferred software, unless you’re doing it as a hobby. Now, the desktop environments? That’s where you’ll see the big difference.