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“Consumeth thou mine shortened legwear.” - Bartholomew, Son of Simp

  • 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I’m late to this, but since you asked…

    I do my personal budgets in Excel. There are repetitive tasks that could easily be automated. Mostly just duplicating the worksheet and clearing previous entries. Also, I don’t always remember to add the 45¢ surcharge for paying my water bill with an electronic check.

    So I spent a whole weekend learning some surface level VBA and wrote a macro. It asks for a confirmation in case I accidentally fat finger my hot key. It duplicates the active worksheet. It wipes all of my previous budget entries. It asks about when I’m getting paid so it knows what order to put it in the workbook. It asks if there’s an upcoming water bill and, if I answer yes, asks how much, then tacks 45¢ onto that. It asks how much money was in the bank prior to being paid, then how much my wife and I got paid. It asks how much money I plan to spend on gas and groceries. It analyzes how much I have set aside for the mortgage. If there’s nothing and it’s after the 15th of the month, it does the whole thing. If there’s nothing and it’s before the 16th of the month, it sets aside half. If there’s anything there at all, it sets aside the remainder, regardless of today’s date. If the full amount is there, it does nothing. It looks at a section I have set aside for my savings account, totals it, writes the balance forward, and clears the previous entries. It reminds me to set aside money for my credit card payments.

    Among other things. It took probably took 30 hours to figure it out and write it. But now, given that I use Excel a lot at work, it’s something I can take to the office.

    Since getting my toes wet with VBA, I’ve also taken to some very basic bash scripting for things I want to automate on my computers.

  • I would hardly run the AC if the hottest it got in summertime in Oklahoma City was 90°F. But last year, we had several instances where it got up to 100 or 105. And the dew point was 70-75 degrees all summer. So your sweat hardly evaporates. I run my AC all day to keep it 80 degrees and swampy indoors.

    I would love to redo my whole house’s HVAC system where one smallish central unit cools the kitchen and living room and each of the bedrooms have their own ductless mini split. This is one way to achieve zoning. There’s no reason to cool the entire house to 65 degrees if I’m about to be asleep in the bedroom for the next 8 hours. There’s no reason to try to keep the whole house cool when I’m about to spend my day in my home office. Just cool the room I’m in and leave the rest alone.

    I could also do window units, but for some reason, my wife is vehemently opposed to them. Her parents just put window units in all their bedrooms and one in their living room. They don’t use the central unit anymore. They only cool the room they’re in right now, and their power bills went from $400 to $150 in summer. They paid for themselves in one season.