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free julian assange

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • fuck this, man. i hope someone sues their ass and wins; though i’m not sure how or even if it’s possible. the GPL does have this:

    You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of rights granted under this License.

    but i don’t know if legally speaking, that really extends to them selectively choosing to terminate relationships with customers who exercise their GPL rights. what’s certain is that it’s an incredible asshole move and violates the spirit of the GPL and FOSS in general.

    i have to admit i don’t always agree with the stallman position on things, but shit like this really makes me see the value of copyleft licenses and the arguments of the hardcore free software camp. software freedom is so easily lost :(

    stallman was right.

  • huh, I didn’t know lemmy also federated with mastodon. i guess posts from there show up like a regular post from a lemmy instance would? As opposed to kbin which I think has a separate tab in the ui for microblogging

    anywho, i’m curious to know what the majority of defeds were for? like was it extremist stuff, heavily unmoderated instance, or something else

    edit: appears from perusing the link above its mostly looks like reasonable defeds, though some of them are so small that it’s questionable if they would ever interact with the instance