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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • that would be a decent assumption to jump to if you didn’t know the real answer i guess…

    sorceresses in the Witcher were largely discarded children that were sick or disfigured. they eventually use magic to “fix” their bodies. many of them are obsessive about thiz and use magic to be the most beautiful person in the room because of their disfigured past.

    there is very little connection between high birth and being a sorceress in the Witcher. all of the specific examples we hear are of farm peasents being scooped up just to take the burden off their parent’s hands.

    this is a bleak story, many of the sorcerers and sorceresses in it are at Best morally grey. it is not beyond most of them to take that child and experiment on them if they don’t have the aptitude for magic. they are also sterile. much like witchers, they must take in outsiders to propagate.

    unless the show has its own lore or something. IDK i stopped watching after season 2 was completely its own story, unrelated to the books at all.

  • I once got food delivered to a work site and it took like 15 minutes of go the last mile. Slowly walking all the way up the entrance drive to this place (it was a museum on the waterfront with like 1/2 mile of driveway before the parking lot) turns or he blew a tire and decided to walk it the last mile because he was almost there.

    I felt so bad. He should’ve just looked after himself… I’m guessing the app would’ve punished him with a suspension or something if he failed to deliver though. Wanted to tip more after all that, but there was no option to posthumously raise the tip in app and I wasn’t carrying cash.

    Guess that’s what happens when your boss is a robot.

  • reminder not to judge a book by its cover. these kinds of self improvement books are often titled to attract the people that need them more than reflect the opinions inside. like that one social media post of the lady burning a book titled “guys like girls who…” because she assumed it was hateful, but the point of the book was to help young women build confidence and realize they don’t need male approval.

  • but the problem is that we need to do both. we’re not blameless, and throwing our hands up and doing nothing because they won’t either is incredibly not helpful.

    just like when voting, individual action may feel pointless and hard, but it’s still necessary. we can still do things and make choices, but everyone is just giving up now because of this feeling…

    of course corporations are polluting more, but so are we, and we can still force change through consumer action. just like conservatives are dumb for bitching about companies “catering to the left” when it’s actually just the same things they always have and always will do: cater to the average. if more of us would stop and think "huh, this product uses less packaging, maybe that should be a factor in my purchasing decision."these companies would start using less packaging. but no, most people just open something over packaged, and either don’t notice, or shake their heads for a moment and comment on the plastic waste before buying the same thing again next time…

    we can’t be defeated by the inaction of others. if we do, then even their action won’t be meaningful if/when it comes. it’s going to take more than just one side…

  • it’s one of the only commonly known messaging platform to most people that:

    1: isn’t owned by a company that many people hate, even if they don’t know much about it.

    2: isn’t platform locked and doesn’t discriminate.

    3: doesn’t require money or verification to use.

    i can see how it’s kinda settled out this way. whatsapp never caught on in the u.s. because everyone here was happy with sms and mms when the rest of the world was picking up Whatsapp. from what i understand that’s literally just because texting was cheap in the u.s… now people want more than mms, but apple is being apple about it so we need a third party app. by this point Whatsapp is owned by Facebook and the “privacy” of it is openly mocked by the average non tech person. everyone hates Facebook so the idea of willingly adopting another Facebook messenger that you’re not already on seems crazy. anyone that would accept that is just going to use Facebook messenger instead. anyone that wouldn’t will find something better.

    Snapchat has no big controversies. no one knows who owns them. they don’t really try to be more than a messaging platform. i can see why people would uncritically choose it as their default. i bet it’s big among the kids who don’t play that whole blue bubble iphone supremacy game, but don’t use discord either. so i guess the non nerdy kids that aren’t elitist dicks. that’s who I’d guess uses it amongst the youth these days.

    edit: before the suggestions come, I know these aren’t good solutions. I’m just theorizing why. getting my friends on matrix as best i can…