Modder, programmer, and all around tinkerer. Yes, I’m that New Vegas and Deus Ex guy.

You can also find me over at under the same username.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Funnily enough I think the percentage use of adblockers is going to go up a fair bit thanks to what Google is doing. My amazingly sweet “just go along with anything” MIL actually complained to me about YouTube ads the other day, then ads on websites in general. She jumped at my offer to install a different YouTube client and a good adblocker once I explained that it was a possibility for her tablet.

    If they wanted to pull this off they needed to do it quietly, not draw attention to the fact that adblockers exist and are apparently so effective they need to do something very public about them.

  • I stopped using it for about 5 years because there was this truly cursed period where it wouldn’t remember manual connections if you weren’t logged in and wouldn’t work without an active internet connection if you were logged in. Even after they fixed both of those there was still a 50/50 shot it would treat logged-in local devices as remote devices and stream out via your internet connection and then back in to the client device. In fact I still don’t log my devices in if I don’t have to.

  • I bought a first gen Sansa Clip ages ago on Black Friday sale and fell in love with the damn thing. Small but not too small, good controls, good sound, intuitive UI, uses universal drivers (not a sure thing at the time), even has an FM radio built in. I’ve picked up so many more advanced devices over the years but I keep coming back to it. It’s just a solid piece of hardware.

    Also you can install Rockbox on it and play DOOM, if you’re into that sort of thing.

  • Some builds can get really tetchy about laptop hardware, but that’s almost always older hardware.

    Though I will say it took entirely too long for most builds to have a “change what closing the lid” does menu option rather than making you modify a .conf file.

    And don’t get me started on resolution switching when hot swapping display inputs.

  • I think there was a brief time with algorithmic feeds were actually good, and I remember getting quite a few recommendations from news aggregators and the like which actually were of interest to me, but those days are long gone. These days… no.

    Odd example here, but bear with me: I have a separate Twitter account just for following *ahem* adult content. Even before Elno bought them out the “For You” section was completely nonsensical. I followed nothing but adult artists and performers showing T&A, and every 8th entry in my “For You” feed was Sports or Politics or rage-bait in general. It wasn’t what I wanted, it was what Twitter wanted me to want.