Just trying to create communities on Lemmy.ml to help with the big migration.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023

  • That’s interesting!

    I am allergic to most meat, and the few types I can still eat I don’t like to cook myself, because meat is something you need to make sure is cooked properly to be safe. So I end up rarely having it, and honestly, my life is no different. The rare times I do have it, it’s great, I enjoy ribs, bacon, etc, but it’s nothing I would get angry and defensive over.

    I buy the beyond meat sometimes, and it’s delicious as hell. I go to vegan restaurants, as I can guarantee my deathly allergy is not going to pop up there, and it’s bomb ass food (usually. I find that some vegan places are -3/10, but others are 11/10 and their “meat” tastes 100% authentic and real, it’s something you need to discover.).

  • the whole idea of an electric bicycle is dumb.

    It’s not.

    It gets you from point A to B, costs nearly nothing to charge, and is environmentally friendly.

    Why waste money on a electric alternative of a transportation device that was made to both make you do excercise AND to get you places?

    It gets you there faster and without sweating. My eBike goes 50KPH. I arrive at my destination with no sweat.

    If you want to get places faster, or just showoff on two wheels, that’s what motorbikes are for.

    I’m sorry, but you’re being very ignorant. A motorbike is thousands of dollars, requires hundreds of dollars per month in insurance, requires licenses, maintenance, fuel, etc.

    Not to mention not everyone can ride a standard bike. Older people, people with chronic illnesses, etc. I personally had a double lung transplant. I’m not pedal biking, nor am I paying $750/month for motorbike insurance in my province.

  • I hate this response.

    Mojang also spies on your private server hosted on your own PC with your own internet playing with your own friends.

    Mojang shouldn’t get that kind of control. That’s crazy.

    Also, does Mojang require photo ID before they ban people for “slurs”? I’m not sure if a black person should get banned for saying the N word on their own private server.

    Maybe if Mojang helps pay for my internet bill or my electricity bill they can have control over my private server. Until then, they can kindly screw off.

    And the fact they’ve released patches specifically to block mods that remove chat reporting and nothing else goes to show how scummy they are.

    Chat reporting should only be enabled on PUBLIC REALM servers hosted by Mojang. That’s really the only place you can justify what they are doing.

  • I cannot answer most of your questions, as I don’t know.

    And critically: Who is paying hosting costs and handling DMCA issues?

    The hosting costs are paid by the instance host. As of now, servers are community funded. This doesn’t seem like a viable long term solution, as people hate paying, but hate ads. Unfortunately one of them has to be done.

    DMCA is also unknown to me. I guess it would be the admins of the instance the copyrighted content is hosted on? however, given the fact there’s nothing stopping an instance from being hosted in a different country, similar to pirate websites, I don’t know if there’s anything stopping or enforcing that stuff? I mean, from a legal standpoint. Sure, admins might not want their instance being full of piracy, but that would be more of a morality thing.

  • YouTube has a TON of terrible policies. I mean, the entire reason YouTube videos have sponsored sections in their videos is because YouTube screwed over creators during “adpocolypse”.

    The issue is that nothing can replace YouTube. Hosting that much data is unbelievably costly. No other company is willing to put up with that, especially when other companies aren’t ad companies, so they don’t profit as much on data.

    Google is in it for the long haul. Once a really good efficient video compression or codec comes out, Google will be laughing. Pied piper is their dream lol.

  • We are actually forced to use Facebook. Not in a way where there’s a gun pointed at our head but rather societal norms forces us to. By deviating, people like us are called crazy or a nuisance. I don’t mind being called crazy but I do want to get work done.

    A little off topic, but this is how the rest of the world feels about Microsoft/Apple/Google/Amazon/Meta/etc.

    America is angry at TikTok, but every time I bring up the fact that I, as a Canadian, am forced to use American software/services, where America steals my data, I am told to “stop using it, no one is forcing you”.

    You cannot find a job these days that doesn’t use some kind of American spyware. Microsoft Office, Gsuite, Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS, AWS, Azure, the list just goes on and on…

    I am not in support of TikTok stealing my data, but I hate more that America steals my data, and they can actually negotiate with my government to get me in trouble if I do something they deem bad.

  • honestly would be pretty insane to open up RIF (or whatever 3rd party reddit app you use) and there’s an announcement saying this is a Lemmy app now lol, I wonder how many users that could pull

    Is that legal? or if not illegal, is that allowed by the play/app store?

    Seems against the rules to just build up a user base for Site A, and then flip a switch behind the scenes to now serve all data from Site B.

    What they can do, is just put a notice to download their new LIF (lemmy is fun) app when you open the RIF app. Kinda like what Tweetbot did. When you opened their app, it talked about getting a refund, or asked if you wanted to transfer your pro subscription to Ivory for Mastodon.

  • Twitch is going to a 50/50 revenue split while offering nothing in return.

    Twitch CEO had an interview a few days ago saying that most big creators get their revenue via sponsors, so taking 50% isn’t bad. (dumb take)

    Twitch announced a couple days ago they are putting HEAVY restrictions on any sponsor stuff, basically banning them all together. So now the 50/50 split is the only way to make money.

    Twitch went back on their word yesterday, but the fact they already tried this, doesn’t look good on them. Most large creators are moving away to YouTube/Kick/etc when their contracts are up.